

The GIECS (/giːks/) is an international conference established to attract and present cutting-edge research results on the Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Edge Computing. The conference welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to share and examine the recent research results. It is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes in the IoT and Edge Computing domain, where leading researchers and industry experts around the globe present the latest studies through papers and oral presentations.

Foundations and Expansion

GIECS has its root in the Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) that is collocated with the IoT Week and has been successfully organised in Geneva (2017), Bilbao (2018), Aarhus (2019), virtually (2020), and Dublin (2022).

The conference is also collocated with the AIOTI Days providing a bigger context into industry development, start-up communities, innovators and entrepreneurs.

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